Thursday, July 5, 2018

Unsealed Alien Files S2E3 Unidentified Submerged Objects

the heathen = the Gentiles = Assyria = the Assyrian (race) 

[希伯來書 2:16]耶穌既受試探就能搭救受試探的人16 他並不救拔天使[angels],乃是救拔亞伯拉罕的後裔。[啟示錄 12:7]天上有爭戰龍就被摔於地在天上就有了爭戰,米迦勒同他的使者與龍爭戰。龍也同牠的使者[angels]去爭戰,[羅馬書 4:13]因為神應許亞伯拉罕和他後裔必得承受世界,不是因律法,乃是因信而得的義。[羅馬書 4:16]所以人得為後嗣是本乎信,因此就屬乎恩,叫應許定然歸給一切後裔,不但歸給那屬乎律法的,也歸給那效法亞伯拉罕之信的。[羅馬書 9:7]也不因為是亞伯拉罕的後裔,就都做他的兒女,唯獨「從以撒生的,才要稱為你的後裔」。[加拉太書 3:29]你們既屬乎基督,就是亞伯拉罕的後裔,是照著應許承受產業的了。[啟示錄 2:9]我知道你的患難、你的貧窮,你卻是富足的;也知道那自稱是猶太人所說的毀謗話,其實他們不是猶太人,乃是撒旦一會的人。[啟示錄 3:9]那撒旦一會的,自稱是猶太人,其實不是猶太人,乃是說謊話的,我要使他們來在你腳前下拜,也使他們知道我是已經愛你了。Anglo Teutons and Jewish Teutons are definitely and absolutely the descendants of Satan, whose ancestors came from the northern Europe and who don’t have any part of the Lord Jesus’ Salvation, definitely and absolutely, through contextual reading of the Christian Bible. Anglo and Jewish Teutons are bult to be killed and thrown into Hades and the lake of fire being burned for eternity, indeed. And, Anglo and Jewish Teutons are definitely and absolutely NOT the descendants of Japheth, indeed, because Nimrod and his Assyrian Empire already obliterated the Japheth race 4.5 billion years ago, the Japheth race’s lands and identities seized by Nimrod and his Assyrian Empire.  

hey, chimpanzee hackers. I’m gotta castrate your balls and penises and vaginas after Doomsday, bleeding bad to death. Do not jam my laptop’s flash memory before Doomsday. I’ll call the police. Your days are so numbered. Assyria and Tyre and Babylonia are gotta attack your Doomsday arks and kill all of you on Doomsday as Egypt and Sudan and Ethiopia go to war suddenly over the Nile’s water. Hey, chimpanzee hackers. Go to hell. Jesus is gotta solar nuke you and consume your species through solar superstorm of magnetic reconnection as Egypt’s all-out civil war suddenly breaks out on Doomsday, just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed for political settlement.

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