Tuesday, December 12, 2017

12月12日2017年 原標題:這世界變化快!奮不顧身的俄羅斯為何突從敘利亞撤軍? 美支持以色列建都耶路撒冷,俄撤軍敘利亞,下來呢? 最近幾天的世界局勢一連爆出意外消息。 12… 美支持以色列建都耶路撒冷,俄撤軍敘利亞,下來呢?Egypt’s all-out civil war suddenly breaks out on the Day of the Lord. Sisi: Egypt is facing a full-fledged war Wed, Nov. 29, 2017

The Assyrian Empire, the blessed work of Jesus’ hands, is going to obliterate Israel on the Day of the Lord, just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is signed for political settlement, and just as Egypt’s all-out civil war suddenly breaks out in the apocalyptic moment, the apocalyptic fervent heat of solar superstorm of magnetic reconnection utterly and suddenly consuming the whole human race that’s currently dwelling on the face of the whole earth, the fish of the sea of the earth consumed at the same moment, triggering the apocalyptic geomagnetic reversal, splitting open the earth, disrupting the earth's core, displacing the whole earth's tectonic plates rapidly and suddenly, super volcanic eruptions and mega-thrust earthquakes and mega tsunamis annihilating the land of the whole earth all at once, all of which is all written in the Christian Bible for the solar apocalypse. The solar apocalypse is the Day of the Lord and the imminent cosmic cataclysm. 


以赛亚书 19Chinese Union Version Modern Punctuation (Simplified) (CUVMPS)预示埃及之祸乱19 埃及的默示。看哪,耶和华乘驾快云,临到埃及埃及的偶像在他面前战兢,埃及人的心在里面消化。 “我必激动埃及人攻击埃及人,弟兄攻击弟兄,邻舍攻击邻舍,这城攻击那城,这国攻击那国。 埃及人的心神必在里面耗尽,我必败坏他们的谋略,他们必求问偶像和念咒的、交鬼的、行巫术的。 我必将埃及人交在残忍主的手中,强暴王必辖制他们。”这是主万军之耶和华说的

原標題:這世界變化快!奮不顧身的俄羅斯為何突從敘利亞撤軍? 美支持以色列建都耶路撒冷,俄撤軍敘利亞,下來呢? 最近幾天的世界局勢一連爆出意外消息。 12…

美支持以色列建都耶路撒冷,俄撤軍敘利亞,下來呢Egypt’s all-out civil war suddenly breaks out on the Day of the Lord.

Sisi: Egypt is facing a full-fledged war  

Wed, Nov. 29, 2017

  俄國防部長謝爾蓋·紹伊古11月29日訪問埃及時説,俄埃要合作反恐,“必須動用一切手段共同對抗(恐怖主義)惡魔”。CAIRO – 29 November 2017: Egypt is facing a full-fledged war to prevent it from developing and achieving its plans, President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi stated.He added in his speech during the celebrations ceremony of Prophet Mohamed’s Birthday (Mawlid al-Nabi), Wednesday, that the war the state is facing is backed by several foreign governments that support the terrorist and armed groups with money and weapons.

Latest update : [2017-11-25Gunmen attacked a packed mosque in Egypt’s restive North Sinai province on Friday and set off a bomb, killing at least 305 people in the country’s deadliest attack in recent memory…In an interview with FRANCE 24, Egypt’s Ambassador to France, Ehab Ahmed Badawy said the militants were seeking to divide Egyptian society in order to trigger a civil war.

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